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Top Insights From Health System Leaders on Scaling Virtual Nursing

Health system leaders shared the lessons they learned after scaling their virtual nursing programs that enabled impressive results.

Experiencing early success, health system leaders shared the lessons they learned after scaling their virtual nursing programs that enabled impressive results, such as reduced nursing turnover, improved efficiency and increased patient satisfaction. Read the five key takeaways these health system leaders shared during a panel at the Teladoc Health Forum 2024 conference.

1. Communicate early and often: One of the most critically important steps in piloting or expanding a virtual nursing program is to communicate with all stakeholders involved, especially bedside staff. By engaging them early in the process, you can address concerns and incorporate their feedback. This not only helps in designing a program that meets their needs, but also ensures support, making implementation and scaling more effective and increasing adoption.

2. Embrace change management: Change is challenging, but today’s nursing environment demands it. It is critical to gain buy-in to the idea that this isn’t just implementing new technology—it is transforming healthcare delivery. “Open your workforce’s minds to the art of what’s possible and where connected care may apply,” said moderator Kathleen McGrow, DNP, MS, RN, PMP, FHIMSS, FAAN, Global Chief Nursing Information Officer at Microsoft. A well-managed change process can lead to a more cohesive team.

"Nurses are resilient and natural innovators. If you give them the vision, you will get further faster."

Theresa Trivette
DNP, RN, CENP, Chief Nursing Executive, Valley Health

3. Consider a pilot program: Many virtual nursing implementations start with pilot programs, as this enables leaders to refine their programs and incorporate early feedback before scaling more broadly. These smaller-scale implementations can demonstrate the value of virtual nursing to gain leadership support. Pilot programs provide concrete evidence of the impact, making it easier to justify and expand the program across your organization.

4. Foster collaboration and teamwork: Virtual nursing thrives on collaboration. Encourage regular check-ins and integrated communication approaches to enhance teamwork. By fostering a collaborative environment, you ensure that all users are on the same page, leading to comprehensive and coordinated care for patients and clinicians feeling supported by their team whether virtual or at the bedside.

"It's important to not let technology drive the conversation, but instead focus on transforming care delivery."

Colleen Mallozzi
MBA, RN, Senior Vice President, Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, Jefferson Health

5. Plan strategically and involve finance teams: Strategic planning is key to the success of virtual nursing programs. Keep your finance teams involved at every stage of the planning and implementation process. Their support is essential for securing the necessary funding and resources. Additionally, their involvement ensures that the program is financially sustainable and aligns with your organization’s goals.

By focusing on these five areas—communication, change management, pilot programs, collaboration and strategic planning—you can set your virtual nursing program up for success.

Ready to learn more? Discover the power of virtual nursing and how the transformational power of virtualization at scale can help your organization achieve its unique clinical and operational goals.

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