Teladoc Health products and services are protected by numerous patents or patents pending, both foreign and domzestic, including but not limited to the following issued United States patents.
10889000, 10882190, 10780582, 10768668, 10591921, 10493631, 10471588, 10399223, 10343283, 10315312, 10259119, 10241507, 10071484, 10061896, 10059000, 9983571, 9956690, 9849593, 9842192, 9827666, 9785149, 9776327, 9469030, 9429934, 9381654, 9323250, 9296107, 9198728, 9168656, 9160783, 9138891, 9079311, 8965579, 8902278, 8897920, 8849680, 8849679, 8718837, 8682486, 8515577, 8463435, 8077963, 7813836, 7769492, 7761185, 7593030, 7310570, 7222000, 7218992, 7164970, 7164969, 7158860, 7158859, 6925357, 6346962
10889000, 10882190, 10768668, 10471588, 10343283, 10315312, 10259119, 10071484, 10061896, 10059000, 9983571, 9956690, 9849593, 9842192, 9827666, 9616576, 9429934, 9381654, 9296107, 9198728, 9193065, 9160783, 9138891, 8897920, 8861750, 8849680, 8849679, 8682486, 8515577, 8463435, 8170241, 8116910, 7813836, 7769492, 7761185, 7593030, 7310570, 7222000, 7218992, 7164970, 7164969, 7158860, 7158859, 6925357, 6888333, 6346962
10984916, 10889000, 10887545, 10882190, 10768668, 10483007, 10471588, 10343283, 10315312, 10259119, 10059000, 9983571, 9842192, 9827666, 9600631, 9381654, 9296107, 9198728, 9160783, 9138891, 9089972, 8897920, 8849680, 8849679, 8682486, 8670017, 8515577, 8463435, 8209051, 7813836, 7289883, 7164969, 7158859, 6346962
10889000, 10887545, 10882190, 10768668, 10471588, 10343283, 10315312, 10259119, 10059000, 9983571, 9842192, 9827666, 9600631, 9381654, 9296107, 9198728, 9160783, 9138891, 9089972, 8897920, 8849680, 8849679, 8682486, 8670017, 8515577, 8463435, 8209051, 7813836, 7289883, 7164969, 7158859, 6346962
10911715, 10889000, 10882190, 10875182, 10768668, 10471588, 10343283, 10315312, 10259119, 10059000, 9983571, 9842192, 9827666, 9600631, 9381654, 9296107, 9198728, 9160783, 9138891, 9089972, 8897920, 8849680, 8849679, 8682486, 8670017, 8515577, 8463435, 8209051, 7813836, 7289883, 7164969, 7158859, 6346962
10889000, 10882190, 10875182, 10768668, 10471588, 10343283, 10315312, 10259119, 10059000, 9983571, 9842192, 9827666, 9381654, 9296107, 9198728, 9160783, 9138891, 8897920, 8849680, 8849679, 8682486, 8515577, 8463435, 8209051, 7813836, 7289883, 7164969, 7158859, 6346962
10889000, 10882190, 10768668, 10617299, 10471588, 8849679, 6346962
10768668, 10404939, 10331323, 9715337, 9602765, 8849679, 8836751, 8780165
10878960, 10768668, 10343283, 9842192, 7158860
Smart Notes
10882180, 10769739, 10471588, 8849680, 8179418
Solo™/Provider Access Software
10882190, 10882180, 10875183, 10768668, 10682763, 10471588, 10343283, 10315312, 10259119, 10059000, 9983571, 9956690, 9842192, 9827666, 9381654, 9296107, 9198728, 9160783, 9138891, 8897920, 8849680, 8849679, 8209051, 8179418
BG200/BG300/BG300c Connected Blood Glucose Meters
US 7,935,307-B2, US 8,568,309-B2, US 8,812,244-B2, US 8,066,640-B2, D 676,555, D 726,205, D 726,206, D 726,207, D 726,209, D 726,210, D 726,751, D 726,752, D 726,753, D 726,754, D 726,755, D 726,756, D 726,757, D 727,941, D 727,942, D 728,601, D 733,172, D 754,179, D 754,705