Community Guidelines
At Teladoc we are passionate about taking care of people. We share these guidelines to reflect our commitment to creating open, safe care experiences for everyone in the Teladoc community.

We are respectful
We treat each other with kindness, courtesy and respect. We consider belonging to this community to be a privilege and believe in accountability for our actions. Members of the community should behave professionally and should treat others with respect and dignity. Detailed information on expected behavior can be found in our terms of service.
We are inclusive
We are an inclusive community and expect every member and provider to help foster an environment that is safe and welcoming. Together we represent a variety of races, cultural backgrounds, nationalities, sexual orientations and gender identities. Virtual care continues to be a great equalizer, offering access to healthcare in unprecedented ways. We are proud of this extended reach as it supports our goal of quality care for all.
We are committed to privacy
You can be assured that Teladoc treats medical information with the highest level of confidentiality and security, and fully operates within HIPAA-compliance guidelines. More detailed information may be found in our privacy practices. Visit information communications remain in our secure platform where privacy can be assured.
We are dedicated to quality care
We offer our telemedicine care under the highest standards of clinical guidelines. Doctors provide diagnosis and services, including prescription decisions and in-person urgent care referrals, within these guidelines and our prescription policy. Treatment decisions are formed with the best interest of the patient's health in mind.
We listen
We value respectful communication, the sharing of experiences, and constructive feedback. We encourage people to share their stories with us so we know what works—as well as what can be improved—so that we can all move forward together.