Teladoc Health Services FAQs

General info

  • Teladoc Health may be available to you through your employer or health plan. Set up your account now. We will confirm your eligibility. If you aren’t eligible for Teladoc Health through insurance, you can still access select Teladoc Health services at a flat rate per visit.

  • Teladoc Health provides you with access to primary care providers, family doctors, dermatologists, therapists, psychiatrists, registered dietitians, and medical experts who are ready to help you from wherever you are. We offer a wide range of services, including:

    • General Medical
      24/7 access to doctors, including pediatricians, and nurse practitioners. They can prescribe treatment for non-emergency conditions like the flu, allergies, bronchitis and more.
    • Primary360
      Adults 18+ can consult with a primary care provider for routine checkups, ongoing wellness needs, referrals and more.
    • Mental Health
      Confidential counseling with a licensed therapist or psychiatrist if you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, down or not like yourself. We also provide access to psychiatric providers who can help you manage your medications. If you have an existing mental health condition that isn’t improving, get guidance from an expert who can modify your treatment to help you make progress.
    • Expert Medical Opinion
      Get advice and answers on specific issues from leading medical specialists. You can also get a list of in-person local specialists who can help with your specific medical needs.
    • Wellness Care
      Our programs can help you live a healthier life every day. Programs include Nutrition, Back and Joint Care Therapy, Tobacco Cessation and Sexual Health. Manage your weight, quit smoking, get back and joint care therapy, request confidential STD testing and more.

    Please note: Services may vary based on health plan or employer. To see which Teladoc Health services you have, log in now, refer to a welcome letter you received in the mail or speak with your benefits manager.

  • Our care is provided by a network of U.S. board-certified internists, family doctors, nurse practitioners, dermatologists, psychiatrists, and pediatricians licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. We also have board-certified primary care physicians, dermatologists, psychiatric providers, psychiatrists and licensed therapists who can provide specialty care. Our global network of leading medical specialists can advise on complex conditions, treatment plans and surgeries.

  • This depends on your specific Teladoc Health plan. Most plan designs allow you to use the Teladoc Health service for you, your spouse and your dependents. Set up your account online to confirm eligibility or reach out to your benefits manager for more information.

    1. To set up adult dependents:
      Dependents age 18 and older set up their own account by visiting the Teladoc Health website and clicking “Set up account.” They should provide the necessary information and complete their medical history.
    2. How to set up minor dependents
      Log in to your account. Click “My Family” from the top menu. Follow the instructions to provide the necessary information and complete your dependent’s medical history.

    Anyone age 18 or older must call themselves.

    Each family member will require their own visit. If multiple people in your household are sick, please request a visit for each one.

  • Teladoc Health visits are currently available in the United States and Canada. For members with access to our Global Care program, visits are available with a physician licensed in the U.S. while traveling internationally.

  • To set up your account, visit or download the Teladoc Health mobile app.

    If you are unsure if you have access to Teladoc Health, please check with your health plan or employer, call us at 1-800-Teladoc or check your eligibility online.

    If you aren’t eligible for Teladoc Health through insurance coverage, you can still access Teladoc Health services at a flat rate per visit.

  • The cost of a Teladoc Health visit varies, depending on the type of care you request and your health plan design. General Medical visits can be as low as $0 per visit with insurance. Please refer to your welcome letter or call us at 1-800-Teladoc to confirm pricing prior to requesting a visit.

    Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Teladoc Health may change pricing at any time for any reason.

    Please note: If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology, Mental Health, Nutrition and Back and Joint Care Therapy.

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  • Teladoc Health is committed to protecting the privacy of every individual who uses our services. We comply with all relevant state, national and international laws and regulations. This includes the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, known as HIPAA. Unless permitted or required by law, your medical information will not be shared without your consent. On occasion, we may use de-identified information to help us improve our clinical programs.


  • Teladoc Health does not guarantee prescriptions. It is up to the provider to recommend the best treatment. Teladoc Health providers do not issue prescriptions for substances controlled by the DEA, non-therapeutic and/or certain other drugs that may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. Also, non-therapeutic drugs such as Viagra and Cialis are not prescribed by Teladoc Health providers.

    View the current list of DEA-controlled substances.

  • Teladoc Health does not dispense prescription drugs. If the doctor prescribes medication, it is submitted electronically or by phone to the pharmacy of your choice.

  • Teladoc Health will send you an email when your prescription is submitted. We suggest contacting your selected pharmacy to confirm when your prescription will be ready.

  • Yes, however, any prescription of antibiotics must be accurate and professional. We understand the negative consequences that may result from over-prescribing and thus our doctors will only write prescriptions in instances where such medication is necessary. If prescribed, the antibiotic chosen will be based on best clinical practice for your diagnosis. Requests for specific antibiotics cannot be guaranteed. See our Prescription Policy.

  • GLP-1 medications require a patient–care provider relationship with regular follow-up and monitoring to ensure that use is safe and effective. Some Teladoc Health providers can prescribe GLP-1 medications when clinically appropriate and permitted by state regulations. You must be an established Primary360 member or a Condition Management member enrolled in condition care. GLP-1 medications (including refills) are not available through Teladoc Health General Medical or Nutrition.

    *  GLP-1 solutions may be available to members enrolled in a condition management program based on the benefit offering provided by your employer, health plan or care provider. For questions on your benefits offering, please contact your benefits administrator.

Billing and insurance

  • The cost of a Teladoc Health visit varies, depending on the cost of the visit you are requesting and your health plan design. General Medical visits can be as low as $0 per visit with insurance. Please refer to your welcome letter to confirm pricing. You can also call 1-800-Teladoc to confirm pricing.

    To check if you have Teladoc Health, set up your account online.

    If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology and Mental Health care.
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    Pricing for each visit varies based on your insurance plan. Pricing also varies if you don’t have Teladoc Health included in your benefits plan or are not covered by insurance.

    • With insurance, General Medical visits can be as low as $0 per visit.
    • Without insurance, General Medical is $89 per visit.
    • To see the cost of an online Dermatology review, Mental Health care visit, Nutrition visit or Back and Joint Care Therapy program, set up your account now.

    Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Teladoc Health may change pricing at any time for any reason.

  • Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. If you have a visit fee, you will be shown the amount prior to confirming your visit request. For eligible plans, payments can be made with your health savings accounts (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA) or health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) card.

  • Teladoc Health works with many Medicare Advantage and Medicaid managed care plans but is not a provider for Medicare fee for service or Medicaid fee for service. Contact your health insurance provider to learn more about your benefits and to see if you have access to Teladoc Health.

  • Covered by insurance: Many health plans and employers provide Teladoc Health as part of their benefits. To check whether you are covered, set up your account on or reach out to your benefits manager.

    Pricing for each visit varies based on your coverage:

    • General Medical visits can be as low as $0 (based on your benefits) per visit.
    • To see the cost of an online Dermatology review or a Mental Health care visit, set up your account now.

    Not covered by insurance: If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology, Mental Health, Nutrition and Back and Joint Care Therapy. Get started now

    Pricing varies if you don’t have Teladoc Health included in your benefits plan or are not covered by insurance.

    • General Medical is $89 per visit.
    • To see the cost of an online Dermatology review, Mental Health visit, Nutrition visit, or Back and Joint Care Therapy program, set up your account now.

    Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Teladoc Health may change pricing at any time for any reason.

General Medical

  • You should choose General Medical any time you need care for non-emergency health issues like sinus problems, respiratory infections, allergies, flu symptoms, rashes and many other illnesses. Providers are available 24/7 by phone, video or mobile app. Your doctor will diagnose your symptoms and provide a treatment plan, which may or may not include a prescription.

  • You should not use Teladoc Health if you are experiencing a medical or mental health emergency. In the event of a medical emergency, please call 911.

  • Teladoc Health’s providers are board-certified internists, family doctors, psychiatrists, dermatologists, nurse practitioners and pediatricians licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. When you request a visit, Teladoc Health will connect you with a provider licensed in your state or province.

    For members living in Canada, Teladoc Health Canadian physicians are board-certified in one or more provinces in internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency care and family medicine.

    All of our providers can diagnose, treat and prescribe medications for common, non-emergency health issues by phone or video.

  • We will ask you to complete a brief medical history prior to requesting your first visit. This is similar to filling out forms before an in-person doctor visit. You can update your medical history at any time through your profile on or the Teladoc Health app.

    Your medical history is stored on Teladoc Health’s HIPAA-compliant, encrypted central server. Before each visit, the provider will review your medical history with a specific focus on chronic illnesses, current medications, allergies and changes in your medical condition.

  • Depending on your benefits, you may be able to select a specific provider for your visit. All Teladoc Health providers are board-certified and state licensed. To become an official Teladoc Health provider, they go through our credentialing process. All Teladoc Health providers are thoroughly trained on how to provide the best virtual care experience.

  • The cost of a Teladoc Health visit varies. It depends on the type of care you are requesting and your health plan design. General Medical visits can be as low as $0 per visit with insurance. Please refer to your welcome letter for more information. You can also call us at 1-800-Teladoc to confirm pricing prior to requesting a visit. The visit fee is charged for each conversation with a provider.

    Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Teladoc Health may change pricing at any time for any reason.

    Please note: If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology, Mental Health, Nutrition, and Back and Joint Care Therapy

    Please note: If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology, Mental Health, Nutrition, and Back and Joint Care Therapy. 

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  • When clinically appropriate, Teladoc Health General Medical providers can renew a 30-day supply of many prescriptions up to twice per calendar year. Certain medication refills are prohibited on our platform, including, but not limited to, substances controlled by the DEA, experimental drugs, and medications for hair loss, erectile dysfunction, appetite suppression (including GLP-1 medications) and emergency contraceptives. If calling for a refill, be sure to have the full details of the medication available at the time you speak to the provider. (Having the pill bottles with you or uploading a picture will be most effective.)

  • GLP-1 medications (including refills) are not available through Teladoc Health General Medical. Urgent care visits are meant to treat acute conditions, like a cold or short-term illness. They are not meant to treat chronic conditions or provide long-term care. Using a GLP-1 medication requires a patient–care provider relationship with regular follow-up and monitoring to ensure that use is safe and effective. We encourage you to discuss your weight loss goals with your Teladoc Health Primary Care provider (if eligible) or regular primary care provider to see if a GLP-1 medication is right for you.

Primary Care

  • Primary Care is part of our Primary360 virtual care offering designed to help you manage your overall health—body and mind. You start by scheduling a visit with the primary care provider of your choice. Your primary care provider will partner with you over time to gain a complete understanding of your health. You’ll also work with a dedicated Care Team of registered nurses and care coordinators who get to know you as a person, not just another patient. Your primary care provider and Care Team will treat any current needs, connect you to other care virtually or in person, and build a Care Plan to help you reach your health goals.

  • Eligible adults ages 18 years and older can use Primary Care. Primary Care is ideal for those who don’t currently have a primary care provider, want to try a new primary care provider, or can’t get in to visit their in-person primary care provider as often as they’d like.

  • Prior to your visit, your chosen primary care provider will review the information provided through the Primary Care assessment. During the visit, your primary care provider will do basic health checks and talk with you about your medical history. You will also be able to review and discuss any images or previous lab work and test results that you uploaded before your visit. After your visit, your Care Team will create a personalized plan for lab orders and prescriptions along with clear next steps on how to reach your health goals. Your Care Plan will always be accessible through your Teladoc Health account. If you need to get care in person, your care provider and Care Team will refer you and coordinate your visit.

  • Your Primary Care provider can order lab work, imaging studies, referrals and vaccinations. If needed, your Care Team will assist in connecting you to an in-network lab or facility of your choice. Results will be reviewed with you by your provider, incorporated into your Care Plan and uploaded to your Teladoc Health account.

  • Yes. Our Primary Care providers can start new medications and order refills. Your Primary Care provider will work with you to decide which medications are clinically necessary and appropriate. Some common types of medication prescribed include those for management of high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol. Primary Care providers may prescribe maintenance medications for up to one full year. In a case where you are requesting a refill that has not been prescribed by our care providers before, please upload a picture of the prescription bottle or medication needing a refill to ensure the correct medication and dosing are issued.

  • If you are sick and in need of care right away, you can request a General Medical visit to talk to a provider 24/7 for non-emergency conditions like cold and flu, sinus infections, allergies and more.

  • Teladoc Health Primary Care providers can prescribe GLP-1 medications to established members for weight loss when clinically appropriate and permitted by state regulations. Our approach to weight loss can include nutritional advice, behavioral therapy, a complete medical assessment and medications. We encourage you to discuss your weight loss goals with your Teladoc Health Primary Care provider to see if a GLP-1 medication is right for you. Costs for GLP-1 medications are dependent on your insurance coverage.

Mental Health

  • If you’re overwhelmed, not feeling like yourself, confused about a personal situation, or experiencing anxiety or depression, we can help.

    Mental Health services allow you to schedule a visit with a licensed therapist or to schedule an appointment with a psychiatric provider for help managing medications or more serious diagnoses.

    Therapists and psychiatrists are available for appointments seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Visits can take place wherever you are most comfortable, by phone or video. Visits with a therapist only last as long as you feel you need them.

  • Visit or use the Teladoc Health app to schedule a Mental Health visit. You can choose a therapist or psychiatrist who fits your needs. You can also select a time or times that work best for you. You can have your visit within three to seven days of confirmation

    Please note: Before your visit, you will be asked to complete a brief mental health questionnaire. This will help your therapist understand where you are and how you’re feeling.

  • You will have a conversation with the mental health professional just as if you were at their office. We’re here to make you feel comfortable and heard.

  • Therapists provide therapy services aimed at increasing insight and gaining coping tools and they cannot prescribe medication. Psychiatric providers can prescribe medications, they will assess a person’s symptoms then prescribe medication(s) to support managing symptom(s). However, in accordance with federal regulations, our providers cannot prescribe certain kinds of medications including ones that require in-person care and ongoing monitoring, for example benzodiazepines.

    You can use our services for therapy or guidance or to obtain other medications. However, if you are currently taking any of these drugs, we cannot prescribe refills.

    Examples of the types of medications we can prescribe include: antidepressants, anxiolytics/sedatives/hypnotics, some medications for ADHD, chemical dependency adjuncts, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and others.

  • Yes. You can see the same specialist throughout your treatment.

  • When you schedule a visit, we will ask you questions about your preferences for your mental health professional. We will also ask you questions about what your specific needs are. You will be able to choose from a selection of matching provider profiles, which will display information including gender, language and specialties.

  • Teladoc Health providers use the secure member message center after each visit to share a summary of the visit. If you and your provider decide to schedule another visit, he or she will schedule that through the message center as well. Our licensed nursing staff may also reach out to you directly by phone after your visits to follow up if needed.

  • The cost of a Teladoc Health visit varies, depending on the type of care you are requesting and your health plan design. Mental Health therapist visits can be as low as $0 per visit with insurance. Please refer to your welcome letter or call us at 1-800-Teladoc to confirm pricing prior to requesting a visit.

    Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Teladoc Health may change pricing at any time for any reason.

    Please note: If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology, Mental Health, Nutrition, and Back and Joint Care Therapy. 
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  • You can cancel your visit on or the Teladoc mobile app. After logging in to your account, navigate to your "Upcoming Visit” details, found on the homepage. There you will see a “Cancel Visit” button, which you can click to cancel your visit. If you have any immediate issues or questions, please call 1-800-Teladoc for assistance.


  • Our Dermatology service provides care from licensed dermatologists for persistent or serious skin issues like acne, rosacea, psoriasis, moles or rashes. You provide a description of your skin condition and upload images for the dermatologist to review. The dermatologist will then communicate with you through the secure Teladoc Health message center.

  • When requesting a review, you will be asked to provide a description of your skin condition and upload images of it. A dermatologist will review your request. They will then contact you through our secure message center within 24 hours or less. You can ask follow-up questions in the message center for up to seven days after your online review. All communication with the dermatologist is through the Teladoc message center. This service is only through the app or online.

  • Yes. For the dermatologist to properly review and diagnose your condition, it is required that a minimum of three images be uploaded prior to scheduling your review.

  • The dermatologist will respond within 24 hours or less, diagnosing your condition and providing a personalized treatment plan, or asking for more information if needed.

  • Your dermatologist will message you through the secure Teladoc Health message center if they need further clarification on the information you’ve submitted. If you have a new message from your dermatologist, you will receive a notification through email or text.

    You can also ask follow-up questions at no charge for up to seven days after receiving your diagnosis.

  • Teladoc Health will send you information through the message center. To ensure patient safety, Teladoc Health may also have a licensed clinician contact you by phone, if necessary.

  • The cost of a Teladoc Health visit varies, depending on the type of care you are requesting and your health plan design. Dermatology online reviews can be as low as $0 per review with insurance. Please refer to your welcome letter to confirm pricing. You can also call us at 1-800-Teladoc to confirm pricing prior to requesting a visit.

    Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Teladoc Health may change pricing at any time for any reason.

    Please note: If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology, Mental Health, Nutrition, and Back and Joint Care Therapy.

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Sexual Health

  • After you place your test order online or by phone, STDcheck will fax a doctor-authorized test requisition to the local lab of your choosing. At the lab walk-in visit, you’ll have a quick specimen draw. The lab visit typically takes about 15 minutes. In three business days or less, you’ll receive a discreet email directing you to log in to your secure account on the STDcheck system to view your test results.

    For patients whose test results are positive or require further explanation, you can request a consult with an STDcheck doctor. If appropriate, the doctor will write a prescription for treatment or help connect you to further care.

  • Lab results are finalized and sent to you discreetly in three business days or less. Patients who receive positive STD test results or whose results require further explanation may request a consult with an STDcheck doctor at a time that is convenient.

  • No. Please contact STDcheck to request your lab test-specific medical record.

  • Yes. You can request a copy of your lab test through the STDcheck website.

  • Pricing for STD individual tests and panels is available on the STDcheck site. STDcheck currently accepts credit cards, prepaid debit cards, cashier’s checks, money orders, health savings accounts (HSA), flexible spending accounts (FSA) and PayPal. The member can present their insurance card at the lab and ask the lab to file a claim for reimbursement to the member.

Expert Medical Opinion

  • Use the Expert Medical Opinion service when you want:

    • Another opinion on your diagnosis or treatment plan
    • Help deciding if a surgery is the right path
    • Advice and help with a chronic condition
    • Specific medical questions answered
    • A list of local, in-person specialists

    If you need help finding a provider for an in-person visit, we will search our database of medical experts to see if any of our doctors meet your criteria and practice within a distance that works for you. You can request this service on the Teladoc Health mobile app or Teladoc Health website by clicking the “Find Local In-Person Care” button. The team can also offer you questions to ask your treating physician so you feel confident and prepared for the visit.

  • You can request an Expert Medical Opinion on the Teladoc Health app or website or call us at 1-800-Teladoc. Once a case is opened, a member of our clinical team will call you to better understand your needs, determine what types of records need to be collected, and answer your questions about the process.

  • No. We will handle everything for you. All your contact with us is over the phone or online. You do not need to travel or contact your doctor(s) to obtain records, images or other information related to your case.

  • If these services are part of your Teladoc Health benefit, the services are at no cost to you or your eligible dependents. Any tests and treatment options recommended by one of our medical specialists are not paid through Teladoc Health. Those payments will depend on the terms of a member’s health insurance coverage. All recommendations from our specialists are completely voluntary.

  • No. Teladoc Health Medical Experts provide medical information only. These services do not provide medical care, diagnoses or treatments. You will not be a patient of Teladoc Health or of any Teladoc Health expert who reviews your case. These services are only for additional medical insight into your condition. No doctor-patient relationship will be created between you and Teladoc Health or you and a medical expert. Your treating physician is still responsible for your care and all treatment decisions will be made solely between you and your treating physician.


  • Choose Nutrition services if you want to talk to a registered dietitian by phone or video for advice on staying healthy, eating right or managing a health condition. Our registered dietitians can help with issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, prenatal nutrition and vegetarian diets.

    Our registered dietitians will discuss with you your health goals and help develop a personalized nutrition guide, meal plans, shopping guides and more.

    Registered dietitians are available for nutrition visits seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. local time.

  • Visit or use the Teladoc Health app to schedule a nutrition visit. You can choose a registered dietitian who fits your needs and select a time that works best for you. Your chosen specialist will work on coordinating the schedule with you through your Teladoc Health account.

    Please note: Before your visit, you will be asked to complete a Nutrition Assessment to help your dietitian understand where you are and what you need.

  • You will have a conversation with a registered dietitian just as if you were at their office. They will listen to you and ask questions to better understand your health goals. If needed, a follow-up visit will be scheduled during the visit.

  • Our registered dietitians can provide nutritional guidance for diabetes, weight management, prenatal nutrition and more. They can put together personalized nutrition guides, grocery lists and meal prep advice.

  • Yes. You can see the same dietitian as long as they are available at the appointment times you select.

  • When you schedule a visit, you will be able to choose from a selection of registered dietitian profiles. You can read through each of their profiles and select a dietitian you believe will best meet your needs.

  • Teladoc Health providers use the secure member message center after each visit to share a summary of the visit. If you and your dietitian decide to schedule another visit, he or she will schedule that during your visit.

  • The cost of a Teladoc Health visit varies, depending on the type of care you are requesting and your health plan design. Nutrition visits can be as low as $0 per visit with insurance. Please refer to your welcome letter or call us at 1-800-Teladoc if you wish to confirm pricing prior to requesting a visit.

    Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Teladoc Health may change pricing at any time for any reason.

    Please note: If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology, Mental Health, Nutrition, and Back and Joint Care Therapy.

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Back and Joint Care

  • You should choose Back and Joint Care Therapy if you want treatment for back and joint pain through live coaching and online videos and tutorials. Teladoc Health partners with Telespine to provide live coaching, online resources, and personalized treatment plans to manage and reduce back and joint pain. You should choose Back and Joint Care Therapy if you want to receive access to expert guidance from Telespine’s health coaches and on-staff physical therapists by appointment, on-demand or via chat.

    Our partnership program with Telespine provides members with access to a 4-8-week program for back and joint pain. Once you have enrolled, a certified health coach will reach out to you to create a personalized treatment plan. Though the program is at most eight weeks, enrolled members will have access to the program for one full year, including access to all the online resources and live coaching.

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  • Visit or use the Teladoc Health app to create an account and enroll in the Back and Joint Care Therapy program. Once you enroll you will be asked to complete a health assessment that will help your therapist and/or coach work with you to tailor a treatment plan for your needs.

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  • The cost of a Teladoc Health visit varies, depending on the type of care you are requesting and your health plan design. Without insurance, the Back and Joint Care Therapy program is available for $49 per month, which includes access to all resources. Please refer to your welcome letter or call us at 1-800-Teladoc to confirm pricing prior to requesting a visit.

    Teladoc Health accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Teladoc Health may change pricing at any time for any reason.

    Please note: If you do not have access through your benefits or do not have health insurance, you can still use Teladoc Health for General Medical, Dermatology, Mental Health, Nutrition, and Back and Joint Care Therapy.

    Get started now

  • Teladoc Health partners with Telespine to provide live coaching, online resources, and personalized treatment plans to manage and reduce back and joint pain. The Telespine program offers access to expert guidance from health coaches and on-staff physical therapists.

    Our partnership program with Telespine provides members with access to a 4-8-week program for back and joint pain. Once you have enrolled, a certified health coach will reach out to you to create a personalized treatment plan. Though the program is at most eight weeks, enrolled members will have access to the program for one full year, including access to all the online resources and live coaching.

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  • No. The program is only for physical therapy, health coaching and personalized regimens with tutorials.

  • For questions about enrollment, you can reach out to Teladoc Health customer service at 1-800-Teladoc. For questions about the program, you can call Telespine customer service at 1-888-647-3961 or email [email protected].

Account info

  • To set up your account, visit or download the Teladoc Health mobile app.

    If you are unsure if you have access to Teladoc Health, please check with your health plan or employer, call us at 1-800-Teladoc or check your eligibility online.

    If you aren’t eligible for Teladoc Health through insurance coverage, you can still access Teladoc Health services at a flat rate per visit.

  • You will be prompted to enter your billing information if a fee is due upon requesting a visit. You can always update your billing information at any time by going to the “My Account” page on or the Teladoc Health mobile app.

  • You will need to complete a brief medical history before requesting your first visit through Teladoc Health. You will also be asked to update your medical history once a year in order to keep your information current. You can update your medical history whenever you need to on or the Teladoc Health mobile app.

  • To schedule a visit, log in to your account at or the Teladoc Health mobile app and click the “Request a Visit” button on the home page. You will be asked a series of questions related to your reason for requesting a visit, similar to the forms you would fill out at a doctor’s office. If you have any issues or questions, you can always call 1-800-Teladoc for help scheduling a visit.

  • Video visits are available for General Medical, Mental Health, Nutrition and Primary360 visits only. Check out these step-by-step instructions to see how to schedule a video visit on the Teladoc Health mobile app.

About visits and troubleshooting

  • The amount of time allocated to a visit varies depending on the treatment you seek:

    • General Medical: There is no time limit. However, most issues are resolved in 15 minutes or less. Be sure all of your questions are answered before ending your call or video, as once the consultation has ended, our providers are consulting with other patients and unable to address further questions or treatment requests.
    • Mental Health: The average mental health visit is 45 minutes, similar to an in-person therapy visit.
    • Dermatology: All communication between you and your dermatologist is through the secure Teladoc Health message center. You can ask follow-up questions at no charge for up to seven days and request the same dermatologist for subsequent consults.
    • Nutrition: There is no time limit, however most visits are completed in 30 minutes or less.
    • Back and Joint Care Therapy: Members enroll in a 4-8-week program that provides live coaching sessions, therapeutic exercises and a personalized treatment plan.
  • To join a video visit, log in to your account on or the Teladoc Health mobile app. Then click “Join waiting room.”

    If you have requested an ASAP/on-demand visit, please enter the waiting room as soon as you have requested your video visit. The provider will meet you in the waiting room when they become available.

    If you have requested a scheduled visit, please enter the waiting room at the day and time you have requested. You will receive a reminder by email or text 10 minutes before your scheduled visit time.

    Please note: Video visits cannot be joined through FaceTime or Skype. They must be joined from within the mobile app or through your Teladoc Health account.

  • When requesting a visit, you have the option to receive text and email notifications as well as push notifications* if using the Teladoc Health app. Notifications vary based on the visit you have requested and the device being used. You will always receive notification when:

    • Your visit request is confirmed.
    • The provider is reviewing your medical history (the provider generally reviews your medical history 5-10 minutes prior to the start of your visit).
    • The provider is ready to see you.
    • Your visit is complete, and your treatment plan is ready.

    *Please enable push notifications through your mobile device settings in order to receive the above notifications from the Teladoc Health app.

  • When scheduling a video visit on, you will be asked to test your audio and video quality. This page runs simple tests on both your audio and video quality. If both are functioning properly and you can proceed with your Teladoc Health video visit.

    Please note: No tests are required when joining from a mobile device.

  • If your computer passes these simple video and sound quality tests, your microphone and camera are working properly, and you can proceed with your Teladoc Health video visit.

    Please note: no tests are required when joining from a mobile device.

  • No, you do not have to leave your app open. However, please keep your phone near you so that the visit can begin right when the provider arrives. You will receive a text or email notification indicating the visit is about to start.

    If you have requested a scheduled visit, please enter the waiting room at the day and time you have requested.

    If you are not in the waiting room when the provider arrives, they will wait a few minutes before helping the next patient. Don’t worry, we will attempt to connect you with the next available provider prior to canceling your visit. You will receive a new set of notifications before the next provider arrives and you can stay in the waiting room until they join.

  • You will be given an estimated wait time when you request your video visit at or on the Teladoc Health mobile app.

    If you have received a notification that the doctor is ready to see you, you should go to the video visit waiting room as soon as possible.

    If you are not in the waiting room when the provider arrives, they will wait a few minutes before helping the next patient. Don’t worry, we will attempt to connect you with the next available provider before canceling your visit. You will receive a new set of notifications before the next provider arrives and you can stay in the waiting room until they join.

    Please note: The waiting room can be accessed from or the Teladoc Health mobile app home page.

  • You can cancel your visit on or the Teladoc Health mobile app. After logging in to your account, navigate to your “Upcoming Visit” details, found on the home page. There you will see a “Cancel Visit” button, which you can click to cancel your visit. If you have any immediate issues or questions, please call 1-800-Teladoc for assistance.

  • After you have submitted your visit request, you will receive notifications when:

    • Your visit request is confirmed.
    • The provider is reviewing your medical history (the provider generally reviews your medical history 5-10 minutes prior to the start of your visit).
    • The provider is ready to see you.
    • Your visit is complete, and your treatment plan is ready.

    If you have requested an ASAP/on-demand visit, please enter the waiting room as soon as you have requested your video visit. The provider will meet you in the waiting room when they become available.

    If you have requested a scheduled visit, please enter the waiting room at the day and time you have requested. You will receive a reminder by email or text 10 minutes prior to your scheduled visit time.

Ways we help

  • Yes. With your consent, we can share any of your Teladoc Health visit results with your primary care physician instantly.

  • Downloading the app is the easiest way to talk to the right healthcare professional. Watch this quick video to see how it works.

  • Services may vary based on health plan or employer. To see which Teladoc Health services you have, please refer to a welcome letter you received in the mail, speak with your benefits manager or call us at 1-800-Teladoc.

    If you aren’t eligible for Teladoc Health through insurance, you can still access select Teladoc Health services at a flat rate per visit. These services include Dermatology review, Mental Health care, Nutrition visits, and Back and Joint Care Therapy program.

How it works

  • Services may vary based on health plan or employer. Please set up your account to see which services are available to you and how much they cost. Your welcome letter or benefit manager can show you how much they cost.

    Prices vary if you access Teladoc Health outside of your benefits plan or insurance coverage.

    • General Medical is $89 per visit.
    • To see the cost of an online Dermatology review, Mental Health care visit, Nutrition visit, or Back and Joint Care Therapy program, set up your account now.
  • Yes. With your consent, we can share any of your Teladoc Health visit results with your primary care physician instantly.

  • Downloading the app is the easiest way to talk to the right healthcare professional. Watch this quick video to see how it works.

CCM General FAQs

  • Condition Management is designed to help you manage your chronic conditions. The programs give you access to: 

    • Unlimited access to a certified coach through one-on-one sessions in our message a coach feature
    • Action plan to help you set and achieve your health goals
    • Personalized recommendations
    • Connected medical devices and unlimited test strips and lancets for members with diabetes
    • Food tracking
    • A Library that boasts over 1,000 educational resources, including videos, starter guides, nutrition and lifestyle guides, condition management and more.  

    This combination helps you take the right actions to improve your health in easier and simple ways.

  • Condition Management provides support for:

    • Diabetes
    • Hypertension Management
    • Weight Management
    • Diabetes Prevention (Prediabetes) 

    In addition to providing information on these conditions, our Teladoc Health Library contains useful resources on health topics like nutrition, physical activity, sleep and stress. It also offers educational materials about how to manage high cholesterol, heart failure and chronic kidney disease.

  • Once enrolled, you’ll receive a welcome kit in the mail within 3-5 business days. Some people may receive more than one welcome kit if they are enrolled in multiple programs. Your welcome kit may include a device(s) specific to the program(s) you are in.

    • Diabetes Management: blood glucose meter, test strips and lancets
    • Hypertension: blood pressure monitor
    • Weight Management: smart scale
    • Diabetes Prevention: smart scale

    Make sure to download the Teladoc Health app to your mobile phone from the Google Play Store (for Android phones) or the App Store (for iOS). When your kit arrives, instructions will guide you through how to set up your device and connect it to your Teladoc Health app.

  • Your eligibility depends on your health history and your coverage from your insurance or healthcare provider. Enrolling is easy. Visit and click “Check My Eligibility.” Follow the simple steps and answer a few questions so we can get to know you, your health, and your personal goals. Once you have finished enrollment, your welcome kit will be shipped to your home within 3-5 business days.

  • The program is offered at no cost to you through a partnership with Teladoc Health and your employer or healthcare provider.

  • If you are a Condition Management member enrolled in condition care, you must meet certain clinical criteria to be eligible. Some Teladoc Health care providers can prescribe GLP-1 medications when clinically appropriate and permitted by state regulations. We encourage you to discuss your weight loss goals with your Teladoc Health care provider (if eligible) or regular primary care provider to see if a GLP-1 medication is right for you.

  • Yes! You can download your health summary report to share with your care provider.

  • Teladoc Health takes your privacy seriously. Your health information is protected by federal and state laws, including HIPAA. Please see our Notice of Privacy Practices for more information on how Teladoc Health uses your health information. Your coach―one of many certified experts in nutrition, fitness and other healthy habits―will have access to information that you provide so they can help you reach your health goals. 

  • You can cancel your program at any time by emailing [email protected] or calling 800-835-2362.