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CNIO Perspectives: How technology can solve workforce challenges

Episode #2

Our CNIO Perspectives video series explores various topics relevant to nursing and technology leaders from the perspective of two CNIOs at industry-leading organizations – Jefferson Health and Microsoft.

Episode #1: Top of mind issues for CNIOs

Episode #2How technology can solve workforce challenges

Episode #3: Offloading nursing tasks with technology

Episode #4: Advice for CNIOs and Nurse Leaders

Episode #5: CNIOs as change agents

Episode #6: Healthcare delivery predictions

Meet your speakers

Colleen Mallozzi, MBA, RN

Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Informatics Officer

Jefferson Health

Kathleen McGrow DNP, MS, RN, PMP, FHIMSS, FAAN

Global Chief Nursing Information Officer


Tammy Cress, RN, MSN

Vice President, Clinical Solutions and Innovation

Teladoc Health

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1. Teladoc Health Business Review Data for HealthEZ through April 30, 2023
2. Teladoc Health Utilization Report for HealthEZ through April 30, 2023 3. King P, Peacock I, Donnelly R. The UK prospective diabetes study (UKPDS): clinical and
therapeutic implications for type 2 diabetes. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1999;48(5):643-8. Cited in CDC, “Power of Prevention: Health and Economic Benefits of Diabetes
Interventions”. 4. National High Blood Pressure Education Program. The Seventh
Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Bethesda, MD: National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute; 2003. Cited in CDC, “Power of Prevention: Health and Economic Benefits of Diabetes Interventions”.
programs-impact/pop/diabetes.htm 5. Teladoc Health’s medical savings and ROI methodology evaluated medical claims data across [Livongo] for Diabetes program
participants that were 12-months post-launch of the programs. The testimonials, opinions and statements reflect one member’s personal experience with Teladoc
Health. Results and experiences may vary from person to person and will be unique to each member. The testimonials are voluntarily provided and are not paid. The
individual in the photo is not the member who provided this testimonial.