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Telehealth Benchmark Survey results: Hospitals adding scope, sophistication

Our annual Telehealth Benchmark Survey, conducted in conjunction with Becker’s Hospital Review, has reaffirmed the power of virtual care. This year, U.S. hospital and health system leader respondents express real confidence in virtual care and its importance. Join Teladoc Health’s Tammy Cress and Dr. Yulun Wang as they walk through the survey’s key findings with partners Rebecca Harless of Charleston Area Medical Center and Dr. Eric Wallace from UAB Health System and hear these health system leaders' reactions to the survey.

Key findings discussed include:

Quality perceptions of virtual care are at a record high.
80% of organizations that offer telehealth services say virtual care is equal to or better than in-person care (when virtual care is an option)

Virtual care expansion is gaining momentum.
71% of organizations plan to expand their programs in 2024

Nursing has the largest planned growth.
52% of organizations plan to have virtual nursing programs in place in the next 12 months

Virtual care has become an integral part of modern care delivery.
94% of respondents say more than 10% of care can be delivered virtually

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Meet your speakers

Rebecca Harless, MBA

Rebecca Harless, MBA

Vice President, Charleston Area Medical Center

Eric Wallace, MD, FASN

Eric Wallace, MD, FASN

Medical Director, UAB eMedicine
UAB Health System

Yulun Wang, PhD

Yulun Wang, PhD

Co-founder & Chairman at Sovato Health,
Co-founder & Chairman at World Telehealth Initiative
Fellow at Teladoc Health

Tammy Cress, RN, MSN

Tammy Cress, RN, MSN

Senior Vice President, Clinical Solutions and Innovation
Teladoc Health

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